Troop 12 B.S.A.
System - General:
to Scout Event:
-10 + (-2) per minute, max. 50
-10 to -100 Moving
in Line:
senior discretion Chewing
Gum in Line:
-10 + put gum on nose Swearing
in Uniform:
No Flags or Flag Stands:
Flag Touches the Floor:
No Patrol Flag:
Not bringing in something asked for
Forget to attend Greenbar/Denchief
Not turning in assignment
Slow work/no effort/laziness
Un-Scout like act
No show
-75/-50 if late excuse * LATE POLICY * If
you will be late, you must have a written document from a parent stating the
reason for your absence. It will then be up to the senior patrol to excuse
you. If something comes up during the week,
notify Timothy Lee before Wednesday, 10 PM. Any later notice unless an
emergency will be considered late and 50 merits will be docked if you do not
show up. Uniform Inspection:
senior discretion Missing
Missing Pen:
Missing 35 cents:
Missing Membership Card:
Mark of Dirt on Hands:
Missing Knot on Neckerchief:
-5 Missing
Scout Book:
Missing Green Scout Socks:
-5 Buttons
Not Buttoned Properly:
-5 Brass
is not aligned:
-5 Troop
12 B.S.A.
System + Merits:
All Present(D&B/Meeting/Outing):
Perfect Inspection:
Doing a Service for the Troop:
senior discretion, max. 10
Personal Favor for a Senior:
Advancement in Rank:
+30(Star/Life) +25(other)
Eagle Required Merit Badge:
Merit Badge:
Attending a Service Project:
Inviting a Guest for a Troop Event:
Recruiting a New Scout:
Bringing item asked for
Camping Merits
Putting up a tent/fly
Putting down a tent/fly
Putting away equipment-one type
Personal favor
+2 max 5 per report
Patrol Projects-each
Wash buckets
ASM projects i.e. wood
!!! All other merits/demerits additions must be approved by all
seniors. If the thing is not
within the list, write as undefined in margin.
Using this list, scribes are expected to put on the margins the merits
earned for each which will then be approved by Raymond.
This will insure fairness.
1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
4th Place:
5th Place:
+5 Patrol Activity:
senior discretion, max. 35
senior discretion, max. 35 Service
+5 per person per hour, max. 150
* All patrol activities must have a
senior or instructor present but no 2 seniors/instructors may be present in 3
consecutive patrol activities * *Outings must not be at someone’s house. *You may have more than one
meeting/outing/project per month
but the merits given will be only 75% of the previous meetings worth.
*Service Projects for Advancement will not be counted |